Marketing Toolkit
On this page you will find useful downloads and materials for partners. You can download the user manual that explains step by step how to create a profile and register for an event. You will also find the boilerplate that you can use in your own communications, images & tips to highlight your event on social media.

High-res material will be available to download soon. Upon use, always mention the photographer and the Rotterdam Architecture Month.
Social handles
- Instagram @rotterdamarchitectuurmaand #ramaand24 #rotterdamarchitectuurmaand
- Facebook @rotterdamarchitectuurmaand
- LinkedIn @RotterdamArchitectuurMaand
Yellow: #EBFE00 (HEX) R235 G254 B0 (RGB)
Red: #FF592E (HEX) R255 G89 B46 (RGB)

Korte versie
(name partner) is part of Rotterdam Architecture Month ’24.
Lange versie
Rotterdam Architecture Month is Netherlands’ biggest architecture festival about the future of the city. Throughout the month of June, the city of Rotterdam is the setting for dozens of lectures, tours, exhibitions, films and much more. Visit the festival heart in the centre of the city! Check out the full programme at
The short way of writing Rotterdam Architecture Month is RA Month ’24.
How to contribute the the visibility of the RA Month:
- sign up your programme through the Partner Environment
- use logo & boilerplate in your own press releases, newsletters and other communications
- share & use hashtags on social media
- refer to RA Month in press releases, newsletters, your own website, etc.
- refer to other RA Month program related to your topic or geographically located near you