

architecture, interior and urban design

We are GROUP A. An office for architecture, interior and urban design located in the Keilepand in Rotterdam. Founded in 1996, under the leadership of partners Maarten van Bremen, Folkert van Hagen and Adam Visser, we now form a tight team of 30 designers and 4 staff members. Our work has been awarded various prizes, including the Dutch Daylight Award, Rotterdam Architecture Prize and Gulden Feniks.

In the past twenty-five years we have realized a wide range of projects. From offices to housing and from mobility assignments to transformations. In our work, urban planning, architecture and interior design are inextricably linked. With this we design sustainable environments in which people live, work and reside comfortably.

We feel responsible for a good process, from design to completion. Optimism and pragmatism, with attention to the social process, characterize the way we work. With an involved and ambitious team we design smart and distinctive solutions by overseeing the whole, zooming in on details and putting the user first.

Topical issues within our field prompt continuous research into our role as architects. Our think-tank CARBONLAB, for example, uses the Carbon Stories series of debates to stimulate discussion and develop, share and apply knowledge with the aim of accelerating the transition to a climate-positive built environment. We do this construction sector wide with speakers representing the perspective of the designer, financier, developer, builder and material supplier.

Practical info

Planned events by GROUP A

June 2024

June 2023