
Urbanistas Explore De Groene Connectie

Excursion to Essenburgpark and Spoortuin

The Essenburgpark and the Spoortuin are located on the south side of the railway tracks in Rotterdam-West. They are an important link closing De Groene Connectie from the north: an 8 kilometers long, green walking route in the West of Rotterdam. But De Groene Connectie is not only a recreational loop. It is also a platform connecting local initiatives, activities and social institutions on the city level.

Join the excursion, in which two special people – co-initiators of these initiatives – will tell you more about the place and the community.

About Essenburgpark

The Essenburgpark is a 48.000 m2 urban nature area which also acts as water storage and water overflow area for the Centrum, Middelland and the Nieuwe Westen. Historically, this was a ‘forgotten’ fringe space, localized near the center of the city and owned by the railroad company. Three local initiatives (De Spoortuin, the Pluktuin and Ieders Tuin) campaigned for many years to keep it green – the owner wanted to build there. The area was transformed in 2018, based on a design made by local residents. The park is now managed by the neighborhood in conjunction with the water authority and the municipality of Rotterdam. Further along the same line, another part of De Groene Connectie provides slightly different functions. This is the Spoortuin, managed only by the local residents themselves, functioning both as an urban vegetable garden and urban nature park together with a community center (as part of the Huize Middelland-network). 


+ Catherine Visser (DaF-architecten) will tell more about the landscape design, process and principles, conservation and integration with water in the Essenburgpark and Spoortuin.

+ Philip Kuypers will speak about history, management and organization, everything important for holding the initiative in the hands of the commons.

Practical info

The excursion will start at 12:30 at the entrance of the Essenburgpark and will be followed by lunch around 14:00 at the Spoortuin community building. The ticket covers the lunch cooked by neighbors from the Huize Middelland network.

Go to website

Practical info

From: 12:30 uur
To: 14:30 uur







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