
Pictures of the preperations for Rotterdam Architecture Month

Published on: 23 May 2024

Preparations for the Rotterdam Architecture Month are in full swing. We are working hard in the workshops and on location to complete the interventions and exhibitions that can be seen along the route before June 1!
You can follow the construction process in pictures here .

An exhibition will soon open in the Henket pavilion where also lectures, debates, workshops and films will be programmed.

The sun blinds have been temporarily removed, what a view!

In the Henket pavilion they are also working hard on the intervention 'Pergola' by Studio Inscape.

The pieces from Atelier Tomas Dirrix and Chantal Schoenmakers are being made in the wood workshop.

Designer Chantal Schoenmakers painting in the workshop.

These benches, chairs, tables and stools can all be seen in the traverse in the Museumpark.

They are used as a 'frame' to display the models, photos and drawings of the exhibition. Afterwards they are given a new destination.

Time to install the modules in the traverse!

It already looks beautiful! The rest of the exhibition will be installed soon.