
6 x tours, exhibitions and events about Housing and Construction

Published on: 30 May 2024

Are you broadly interested in the themes Housing and Construction? Then make sure you don’t miss the tours, exhibitions and events below. Explore the housing history of Rotterdam Zuid, come to Rotterdam Convening 2024, dive into the concrete jungle of Little C, get a taste of what’s in store for the Merwe-Vierhaven area in 2030, discover the potential of bamboo as a building material and contribute ideas on how to tackle the housing crisis in an affordable and sustainable way.

Excursion | UrbanExplore: 100 years of Housing Crisis

Eén miljoen woningen erbij – in het verleden stonden we al vaker voor zo’n opgave: met de introductie van de volkshuisvesting begin 20ste eeuw, na de Tweede Wereldoorlog en tijdens de stadsvernieuwing in de jaren 70 en 80. Wat kunnen we leren van de aanpak en visie van de bevlogen stedenbouwers, geëngageerde architecten en bovenal van de betrokken bewoners uit het verleden?

Deze excursie start bij de museumwoning in de Kiefhoek: het boegbeeld van goed wonen voor de arbeidersklasse in de jaren 20. De tour gaat verder door Zuid aan de hand van stellingen, afbeeldingen en verhalen over andere grote momenten in de woongeschiedenis om met elkaar ook een gezamenlijk toekomstbeeld te schetsen over wonen in de stad.

Saturday 1 June, 11:00
Saturday 15 June, 11:00
Saturday 22 June, 11:00
Satuday 29 June, 11:00


Lecture & walk | Rotterdam Convening 2024: Housing and Planning in the Climate Agenda

Rotterdam Convening 2024 is an event organised in collaboration with the International Federation of Housing and Planning (IFHP) and Vereniging Deltametropool (VDM). The event aims to facilitate knowledge exchange on planning and housing and deepen international cooperation between the two organisations. Rotterdam Convening 2024’s extensive programme includes a keynote speech at the Nieuwe Instituut, a networking lunch at the Kunsthal, a walk and talk with experts in the Rijnhaven and drinks to round off the day.

Friday 7 June, 11:00-17:00 (free admission)

Tour | Nature-inclusive building: Little C

Little C, a now-famous urban ensemble of 15 residential and commercial buildings close to Coolhaven, is visited daily by designers and students from all over the world. Because of the striking architecture, of course, but also the abundance of greenery. During this tour, you will dive into the concrete jungle of Little C, together with Cor Geluk (of urban design & landscape architecture firm Juurlink & Geluk, which designed the outdoor spaces) and a real ‘ranger’ from National Park Rotterdam. What do the roof gardens and rain buffers look like? What design choices were made? And what can we learn from this?

Friday 14 June, 10:00 (free admission)

Exhibition | ‘How do we want to build M4H 2030’

The Merwe-Vierhaven area (M4H) is on the eve of a transition to a vibrant living-and-working district, where circularity is central. In this process, how do we realise a future-proof living environment that is ready for tomorrow’s challenges?

In the exhibition How do we want to build M4H 2030, the KeileCollectief takes you along on this search. It shows inspiring examples of new materials and construction methods and asks what M4H’s built environment could look like in 2030. Could this be Paris Proof already? What if we look even further ahead, how will we be living in 2100? And what is your vision for the future?

Saturday 15 June until Sunday 15 September, 12:00-17:00 (free admission)


Symposium, workshop & lecture | Bouw met Bamboe!

Bamboo as a building material? If it is up to the organisation Bouw met Bamboe! we are going to see a lot more of this. Bouw met Bamboe! consists of Summum Engineering, Atelier Nomadic, Walden Studio and Maria Piels Architects, and is supported by the Creative Industries Fund NL. These organisations have joined forces to highlight bamboo as a sustainable building material with a three-day event aimed at informing and engaging Dutch architecture professionals and enthusiasts. So that knowledge sharing is encouraged and the acceptance of bamboo is stimulated, which in turn contributes to innovation and sustainability in the construction sector.

Wednesday 19 June until Friday 21 June, 09:00-17:00

Public session | Platform Housing Challenge: Action Agenda

‘Build, build, build’ is something we often hear these days. But recent years’ results clearly show that this is not the solution. Not enough new housing is being added and even ‘affordable’ housing is unaffordable for many people. Platform Woonopgave, a growing network of city planners, architects, developers, urban designers, governments, builders, policymakers and others, believes that inclusive, affordable, social and sustainable public housing is indeed possible. During this public session, we will consider Platform Woonopgave’s Action Agenda at length: a list of 10 points to tackle the housing crisis in an affordable, sustainable, fair and future-proof way.

Wednesday 19 June, 19:30-21:30 (free admission)